Krista Ryndak, MABC
Owner, Lead Counselor
I’ve been through a lot of “junk” in my life- childhood abuse, divorce, chronic illness, miscarriage, parenting a special needs child- and I know you have, too. These experiences have all represented times when I wrestled with doubt, fear, sadness, loneliness, and even feeling abandoned by God. In each season, He has been faithful to carry me through (sometimes dragged me kicking and screaming) and shown me more of who He is. This is what fuels my vision in counseling, writing, and speaking- the desire to come alongside fellow strugglers and offer the comfort that I have been given.
I don't like spiritual platitudes. When you are in a dark season, sometimes Scripture can feel that way. That's why I like to be real and authentic, to be practical and personal, in how I present and apply it. Some people don't love the raw approach, but if you've ever been kicked in the teeth by life and yet still love and want to honor God, if you've ever failed and fallen on your rear end but still want to be used by Him, let's work together.
My husband, Bryan, is also a biblical counselor, and we love working together to serve people. I am the mom of three exceptional young men, Lukas, Levi, and Titus and step mom to an exceptional woman, Kayla. We live in the Chicagoland suburbs, but I'm originally from Texas. I'm deeply appreciative of the life experiences and the people I’ve had the privilege to meet as I’ve traveled and moved around. I love music of all kinds. I enjoy baking and creating healthier twists on classic Southern foods. I am an avid reader, but have a particular fondness for classic literature.
MA Biblical Counseling
BA Church Ministries
AA Practial Theology
Asssociation of Biblical Counselors Advanced Degree Certification
SYMBIS Certified
779-220-2390, ext 1